Crisis of water resources and international dispute 水资源危机与国际争端
The united nations will try to arbitrate in the international dispute 联合国将就这一国际争端进行仲裁。
Primary exploration of china's peaceful settlement of international disputes 中国和平解决国际争端问题初探
Convention for the pacific settlement of international disputes, the hague, 29.7 . 1899 1899年7月29日订于海牙的《和平解决国际争端公约》
Convention for the pacific settlement of international disputes, the hague, 18.10.1907 1907年10月18日订于海牙的《和平解决国际争端公约》
In front of the bad impact caused by the international disputes on competition, china should takes some countermeasures 国际竞争冲突对我国也造成了不良的影响,我国应该有针对性地采取应对措施。
Speech by the secretary for justice, ms elsie leung, at the 1998 international dispute resolution conference on november 11, 1998 律政司司长梁爱诗在1998年国际调解纠纷会议上的致辞全文(十一月十一日)
Speech by the secretary for justice, ms elsie leung, at the 1998 international dispute resolution conference on november 11, 1998 律政司司长梁爱诗在1998年国际调解纠纷会议上的致辞全文(十一月十一日)
Opening remarks by the secretary for justice, ms elsie leung, at the " international dispute resolution " conference on october 20, 2003 律政司司长梁爱诗出席调解国际纠纷会议致开幕辞全文(十月二十日)
Mr . ahmadinejad called for central asian nations to support his country in the international dispute over its nuclear program 艾哈迈迪内贾德呼吁中亚国家在伊朗与国际社会就其核项目产生的争端上支持伊朗。